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Melothria scabra. Also known as the Mexican Sour Gherkin, cucamelon seeds produce vines that could be mistaken for regular cucumber plants. The plants are not quite as productive as cucumbers, but the fruits are amazingly cute and novel. They look like tiny watermelons, but have a very appealing cucumber flavour with slight citrus notes. Eat them fresh or pickle them for a crunchy treat. Harvest them at the 2cm (1") size, before the seeds develop. This is a heat loving tropical plant that is most productive in hot weather or a greenhouse setting. Start the seeds indoors and treat as you would a conventional cucumber seedling.
Matures in 67 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
- Tiny, cute fruits
- Works well in containers
- Eat fresh or pickled
- Matures in 67 days
- Open pollinated seeds
Sow 3-4 seeds 2cm (1″) deep in each spot you want a plant to grow. Thin to the strongest seedling. Space plants 23cm (9″) apart in rows 90cm (36″) apart.
Cuminum cyminum. Cumin is one of the most widely used spices in the world. Its strong flavour balances well with other aromatic spices, and it is central to an incredibly wide range of spice mixes and marinades. In a good hot summer, cumin will produce a wide, robust umbel of tiny white flowers, followed by the unmistakable seeds. While in bloom, cumin joins its cousins cilantro, caraway, and dill as highly prized food sources for a host of beneficial insects. Cumin can even be planted for this single purpose, and it will attract ladybird beetles, lacewings, hover flies, and a wide range of predatory wasps. Cumin grows to about 50cm (20") tall.
Matures in 120 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
Enjoy the three complementary Cupcake colours in a single blend. We've mixed Lemon, Orange and Sanguinea into the Cupcake Blend to make the most of these spectacular cut flowers. Zinnias are not hard to grow, and they offer so much in return. The tufted tops of the exotic looking 'Scabiosaflora' add structure to an already stunning blend of colours. The cut and come again plants just keep sending out more branches and buds right through summer into the cool weather of September. Deadheading keeps the plants productive. The seeds can be started indoors or direct sown — they are very easy to grow.
First year flowering foxgloves with uniform blooms on vigorous plants. Dalmation White has bright white bells with contrasting dark purple freckles. Flower bells form on one side of the stem, sitting close together on sturdy stems. Grow these vigorous plants in the garden or in pots as a hardy annual.
Flat, dark green leaves are deeply cut, with a rich parsley flavour ideal for cooking or salads. Dark Green Italian Parsley Seeds are easy to grow, sturdy plants with stiff upright stems. Holds flavour better than the curly kind when dried. Use parsley in companion planting: Parsley likes asparagus, carrots, chives, corn, onions, and tomatoes. The leaves can be sprinkled on asparagus to repel asparagus beetles, and around roses, to improve their scent. Let some of your parsley go to bloom to attract hover-flies and predatory wasps. Parsley is a biennial plant that forms a long (edible) tap root. Choose deep pots for container growing.
Matures in 80 days
The very straight, tapered roots of Deep Purple carrot grow 17-20cm (7-8”) long. These carrots are named for the fact that the purple characteristic runs right to the core, and they keep their colour when lightly cooked. The tops are strong for easy harvests, and the storage potential is great. This is a fine fall harvest carrot that is good for juicing and it looks amazing in salads. The sweet, smooth-skinned roots were a staff favourite from our field trials. This is a high yielding, very uniform variety for the market grower or home gardener.
These seeds are coated with an inert, organically certified layer which helps to minimize clumping in storage and seed sowing machines. The coating is approved by organic certifiers in Canada, the US, EU, and Japan.
Matures in 75 days. (Hybrid seeds)
- Solid purple interior
- Strong tops
- Matures in 75 days
- Hybrid seeds
Because carrot seeds are tiny, they need to be sown shallowly. The trick is to keep the top-most layer of soil damp during the relatively long germination period. Water deeply prior to planting. Direct sow the tiny seeds 5mm (¼”) deep, 4 seeds per 2cm (1″), and firm soil lightly after seeding. Make sure the seeds are only just buried. Water the area with the gentlest stream possible, and keep it constantly moist until the seeds sprout.
A blend of wildflowers that are not preferred food sources for deer or are resilient to being foraged. In times of weak grazing, deer may still nibble on these plants, but the contents of Deer Resistant wildflower seeds were chosen for their resilience to deer. Great for planting on the Gulf Islands and BC Interior, where deer can be a real nuisance. The mix will also work in any other North American setting, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies, but foiling marauding deer. Recommended rate of application: 115g per 1,000 square feet.
This AAS award winning compact bush bean is great choice for the new gardener. The bushes are low-growing, self-supporting and shallow-rooted, making it suitable for container gardening. The plant is generally trouble-free and produces tasty 7" long, round green pods. Like other bush beans, Derby produces a one-time crop but the beans have a good holding ability so growers can enjoy an extended harvest. The above average yields are also easy to pick. Lengthen the growing season with succession planting until mid-summer. Derby is resistant to Common Bean Mosaic Virus
Detroit Dark Red is the perfect all-purpose beet variety. This medium-early variety produces round, dark red roots. These beets are very enjoyable, growing tender and fine-grained throughout. Ideal for use fresh, canned, pickled and frozen. Tops are great for salads too!
Days to Germination: 10 to 12 days
Days to Maturity: 50 to 60 days
C. maxima. Dill's Atlantic Giant pumpkin seeds hold the world record for giant pumpkins, and produce the largest fruit in the plant kingdom. Bred in eastern Canada by Howard Dill, Atlantic Giant can reach 1,000 lbs or more! The record is 2,624.6 lbs - updated for 2020! The really big ones look like big orange Volkswagen Beetles. These giants grow on very large plants, with vines up to 50' long, so they require lots of room, full sun, and fertile soil to produce the giant pumpkins. For the largest size, prepare a growing area 20 x 20 feet, and dig down three feet. Fill this with soil mixed heavily with fully composted manure and glacial rock dust. Apply a balanced organic fertilizer at transplant time, and feed the plant every two weeks with liquid kelp or fish fertilizer. Once a fruit begins to grow, remove all female flowers that follow so that there is only one fruit per plant. Consider placing a tarp or board beneath the fruit as it develops in order to shift it once it is fully grown.
Matures in 110 days (Open-pollinated seeds)
What a wonderful flavour! The thick, pale green flesh of this Galia-type melon has a rich, tropical aroma and taste. Diplomat is tolerant to powdery mildew as well. The 2.2-2.8kg (5-6lbs) fruits have yellow skins and fine netting, and they grow on strong vines. Trellis these vines or let them sprawl on the ground. Grow in full sun, and do everything you can to increase heat around the plants. Black plastic mulch works well, building and trapping solar energy in the soil for warmer roots and less evaporation.
Matures in 75-80 days. (Hybrid seeds)