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Aji is a standard pepper throughout South America. One of the reasons it is not well known here is its slow growth and heat demands. Aji Rico really shows the best of what can be achieved through hybrid plant breeding. Compared to many of the open pollinated heirloom peppers, it boasts faster maturity, better vigour, and higher yields. The tasty pods are medium hot, maturing to full size as green chilies in 50-55 days. Add another twenty days for mature red pods, and the sweet, full-bodied flavour that comes with them. The fruits average 8-10cm (3-4") long, with thin walls and a conical shape. The plants are large in stature at 76-91cm (30-36") tall, so they benefit from staking or a trellis. These AAS Award winning peppers retain their floral, citrus flavour in cooking, and the heat level can be reduced by removing the seeds and pith. 500-1,000 SHUs
Matures in 75 days. (Hybrid seeds)
This old heirloom shelling pea dates back to 1880. It's a versatile, tasty, reliable pea that grows well in cool soil, so it's great for the north, and has good potential for spring and fall plantings. The short vines grow to only 90cm (36), but benefit from some twigs stuck in the soil for support - or a low trellis net. Once known as 'Earliest of All,' Alaska pea matures in just 55 days, making it our earliest pea of all. Expect heavy yields of round, straight, pale green pods, each containing five to eight smooth peas. For drying as soup peas, let the plants mature to 80 days.
Matures in 55 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
Allium cernuum. If you spend enough time looking in the dry woods, rocky outcroppings, and prairies across North America, you will eventually discover Nodding Wild Onions growing in scattered clumps. Individual stems arise to a height of 45cm (18") from bulbs in the ground. In early and mid-summer, they bear umbels of white to rose coloured, pendant flowers that nod and wobble in the wind. These are highly attractive to short-tongued bees, but not to grazing deer. Each flower develops into a spherical fruit, which splits at the end of summer to reveal more shiny black seeds. Beneath the soil, the bulbs split and multiply just the way tulips do. These perennial wildflowers are hardy to Zone 2, and while they are technically edible, it's a good idea to wait until a small colony has developed, and then harvest them judiciously as a summertime treat. Grow in full sun to part shade, or in freely draining containers.
Mildly hot, 15cm (6") long green peppers borne on vigorous, upright, bushy 45-60cm (18-24") tall plants. Anaheim pepper seeds are an heirloom from southern California have been around since at least 1913. The tapered fruits have thick walls that are excellent or roasting or smoking, and will mature to dark red if left on the plant. Much less hot than a Jalapeno at 100-500 SHUs. In a warm climate, the plants will bear continuously over a long period, with good foliage cover to protect the fruits. The fruits are two-celled with an appealing, crisp, crunchy texture. Anaheim makes a good, very mild substitute for Ancho in chile relleno recipes.
Matures in 70-90 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
Early maturity and large, attractive fruit make Arapaho an excellent Cayenne pepper. Compact, 45cm (18") tall plants produce high yields of 20-22cm (8-9") long fruit with moderately thick walls and mild heat. The peppers dry well for making homemade hot chile powder, and they're the perfect size for creating decorative ristras. 2,000-4,000 SHUs.
Matures in 70 days. (Hybrid seeds)
This spiny little hybrid was bred for harvest and pickling the perfect gherkin pickles. But even when the odd one grew to full size in our field trials, they never became bitter. The productive plants kept the crop coming all summer in the field, but they would also work well in a greenhouse setting. The large, bushy plants are parthenocarpic, so they do not require pollination. Usually Artist Gherkin is harvested at such a small stage that even if it is pollinated outdoors, there will not be any seed development yet. Give the fruits a gentle rub with a cloth at harvest time, and the spines easily break off.
These seeds are coated with an inert, organically certified layer which helps to minimize clumping in storage and seed sowing machines. The coating is approved by organic certifiers in Canada, the US, EU, and Japan.
Matures in 45 days. (Hybrid seeds)
A great substitute for Mammoth Melting peas, Avalanche snow pea seeds grow into 15cm (6") pods that are sweet and tender. Plants are "semi-leafless" so they put more energy into producing pods, making for higher yields of snow peas. Plant two to three rows close together and plants will intertwine, providing support for each other. Expect a height of 90cm (36"). Avalanche is resistant to Fusarium Wilt race 1 and powdery mildew. Plant this reliable snow pea from spring to mid-summer in rich, fertile soil.
Matures in 60 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
- Sweet and tender
- Plants are "semi-leafless"
- Resistant to fusarium wilt and mildew
- Open-pollinated seeds
- Matures in 60 days
Soaking seeds is not advised for damp soils. Sow seed 2cm (1″) deep. After April 15th, sow seed 5cm (2″) deep. Space seeds 2-7cm (1-3″) apart in the row. Do not thin. If the seeds fail to sprout, try to dig some up and check for rot or insect damage. The challenge with untreated pea seeds is to give them an early start but to avoid rot.
C. pepo. While they are edible and actually quite tasty, most growers choose Jack Be Little pumpkin seeds for the compact vines and tiny, undeniably cute miniature pumpkins that follow. Each flattened, deeply-ribbed fruit measures only 5cm (2") tall and about 13cm (5") across the top. If cured fully on the vine, the fruits will last as ornaments for as long as twelve months! Jack Be Little makes perfect little bright orange pumpkins for fall decorations, and each plant produces up to eight fruits. Be sure to keep one or two for dicing into fall soups or slicing thin for tempura.
Matures in 95 days (Open-pollinated seeds)
Viola cornuta. We loved this petite pansy as soon as it bloomed, and it bloomed in the first year, over a long period. Just 14 to 16 weeks after seeding, its small, very dark, and flat-faced flowers began to appear. With regular deadheading Back to Black just blooms and blooms. The foliar growth is vigorous, but the stature of the plants remains compact at about 15cm (6") tall. It would look great in containers or window boxes, but it takes on a wonderful appearance in mass plantings. The flowers are actually very deep purple, but so deep that they appear black from a few feet away. Each delicate flower is streaked in the centre by a brush of golden yellow. The edible flower petals look amazing scattered on ice cream. Sow in early spring for summer flowers, or as late as July for winter blooms. It's hardy in Zones 5 to 9.
C. maxima. Jumbo Pink Banana Squash is an heirloom that has been around for over 100 years. The smooth, salmon pink skin covers fibreless yellow-orange flesh that makes beautiful pies. Pick when less than 80cm (30") long for best eating quality. Left to grow, they can get as big as 33kg (70 lb) in weight and over 120cm (48") long. This squash has a vining habit, and plants get big, so provide lots of room. You'll be rewarded with two to three spectacular fruits per plant. These are terrific storage squash, and will last all winter if kept in a cool, dark place. Wash the squash with a diluted solution of water with a few drops of bleach after harvest. This will kill off any bacteria, and increase the shelf life of these special fruits.
Matures in 105 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
The medium-sized bush plants produce abundant easy-to-pick stringless pods that grow to 10-12 cm (4-5") long. This easy-to-grow bean is root rot tolerant and resistant to BCMV (common mosaic virus) making it an excellent choice for both novice and seasoned gardeners.
Days to Germination: 6 to 14 days
Days to Maturity: 53 days
Growing Height: 60cm (24")
Early maturing and very productive. 15 cm (6") tasty green stringless beans flourish on compact bush plants. Excellent for fresh cut use. Also ideal for freezing or canning. Try smaller successive sowings one or two weeks apart to extend the harvest season of fresh beans or sow with mid and late season varieties to ensure a continuous supply of fresh and tasty beans. Freezing variety.
Days to Germination: 6 to 14 days
Days to Maturity: 50 to 55 days
Growing Height: 38cm (15")
Tendergreen Improved Beans are a tender, smooth, very meaty green bean. This bush variety is extremely popular with gardeners because of its resistance to disease, heat tolerance, and prolific yields. 15 cm (6") long, straight pods make this an ideal candidate for fresh table use or for freezing.
Days to Germination: 6 to 14 days
Days to Maturity: 52 to 57 days
Growing Height: 40-50cm (16-20")
Bees and flowering plants evolved together millions of years ago. Although bees face many challenges in this age of global climate change, the simple act of sowing the seeds of plants that bees and other pollinators love to forage on is a critically important step in helping to ensure they--and the whole planet--have a future. The Bee Garden Blend wildflower seeds are specially blended by our Certified Bee Master for use in managed landscapes such as disused laneways; verges; or along the edges of cultivated areas in residential or agricultural properties.