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23 products
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Fruit bearing
'Primo' melons are typically grown in the cool season. The interior melon produces thick, dark orange flesh and medium cavity. The exterior of the melon produces heavy netting and slight indentation. Delivers size and sugar content even under cool conditions.
Light Requirement:Â Full Sun
Mature Size:
- Height:Â 36 - 48"
- Width:Â 36 - 48"
Photos and Data Courtesy of Stokes Seeds
Crimson Sweet produces round melons averaging 25 lbs. (11 kg), with light green and dark green stripes. The inside has sweet, firm, bright red flesh. Watermelons are ready to harvest when the fruit has grown to full size.
Light Requirement:Â Full Sun
Mature Size:
- Height:Â 18 - 24"
- Width:Â 72 - 84"
Photos and Data Courtesy of Ball Seed
Honeydew melons are characterized by a large, round shape and smooth, creamy yellow rind. Their flesh is light green, juicy, and sweet. The honeydew is a smooth-skinned variety which changes from pale green to creamy yellow color as it ripens.
Honeydew needs heat, so do not plant out until the soil and the nights are warm.
Light Requirement:Â Full Sun
Mature Size:
- Height:Â 36 - 48"
- Width:Â 36 - 48"
Sugar Baby saves space in the garden and in the refrigerator. The only thing oversized is its rich and incredibly sweet taste. Its compact vines produce plenty of 6 to 10-lb. (3 to 4.5-kg) fruits packed with sweet red-orange flesh. This variety is perfect for any small-space garden!
Light Requirement:Â Full Sun
Mature Size:
- Height:Â 18 - 24"
- Width:Â 72 - 84"
Photos and Data Courtesy of Ball Seed
Chicago figs must be container grown and then moved indoors and overwintered in a greenhouse, garage, or basement. They are self fertile. Growing the hardy Chicago fig requires very little maintenance. Just be sure to water regularly throughout the growing season and then reduce watering in the fall prior to dormancy.
Full Sun to Part Shade
Images courtesy of: van Noort Bulb Co.
Ben Conan is one of the varieties developed by the Scottish Crop Research Institute and known for its excellent quality fruit. Currant berries of this variety can grow as large as 18mm!! Additionally this variety is not susceptible to mildew, which makes it one of our most sought after currants. Best suited for fresh eating, preserves, pie making, or yogurts. Ben Conan is also extremely productive, boasting consistently high yields.
Light Requirement: Full Sun
Mature Size:
- Height: 4ft
Spread: 3ft
Captivator Gooseberry is known as a thornless gooseberry. Although this selection is a nice improvement toward an ultimate thornless varieties, it still carries a few thorns! It has delicious and abundant dark red fruit. This plant is disease resistant and produces some incredibly sweet fruits.
Light Requirement: Full Sun
Mature Size:
- Height: 3ft
Spread: 3ft
Wendy is a Canadian strawberry, born and bred, it was developed by the Kentville Research Station in Nova Scotia. Produces large size, conical sweet berries in June. This is a standard for field production.
Light Requirement:Â Full Sun
Mature Size:
- Height: 6"
- Width:Â 10 - 12"
Photos and Data Courtesy of Bellwyck Horticultural
Lonicera caeruleaÂ
A tall and fruitful plant yielding tart fruit suitable for wine production. It necessitates cross-pollination by another cultivar with a matching flowering schedule. It serves as an excellent pollinator for Aurora, Borealis, and Tundra varieties.
Light Requirement: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Mature Size:
- Height: 5' - 6'
- Width: 5'
Zone: 2
Photos courtesy of Jeffries Nursery
Lonicera caeruleaÂ
A tall, upright shrub with fruit larger and sweeter than its counterparts. The fruit boasts a pointed pear shape and ripens in late June. Requires a pollinator.Â
Light Requirement: Full Sun to Partial Shade
Mature Size:
- Height: 5' - 7'
- Width: 4'
Zone: 2
Photos courtesy of Jeffries Nursery
Large fruit with a purple colour with a light, sweet flavour when ripe, usually mid-July. Low suckering habit and very good adaptability. Good substitute for black raspberries when hardiness is a problem.
Light Requirement: Full Sun
Mature Size:
- Height: 3'
- Width: 3'
Zone: 3
Photos courtesy of Jeffries Nursery