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This beautiful plant features dark purple leaves and pods that follow attractive, light purple flowers. It makes a very striking and useful screen in the garden. This productive variety flowers before all other beans, and handles cool conditions well. The purple pods keep their flavour and tenderness even when very long, and turn green when cooked. The pods grow to 13cm (5") long and keep their flavour and tenderness long after they are picked. They turn green when cooked. The plants are extremely productive, and the pods just keep coming as long as they are picked. The seeds are beige.
Matures in 70 days. (Open pollinated seeds)
- Pole bean
- Beautiful plants with dark purple pods
- Flower first of all bean varieties
- Open-pollinated seeds
- Matures in 70 days
Purple Top White Globe turnip seeds are from an old heirloom turnip dating back prior to 1880. The roots are smooth and nearly round. Bright purple on top and creamy white in the portion below the soil line. They are mild flavoured and sweet, and can reach 13cm (5") in diameter but are better for eating when picked at 5-8cm (2-3"). The young leaves of this variety can be cooked for traditional "southern greens." Both the roots and greens are an excellent source of vitamin C. Remember that turnips belong to the Brassica family, so plant them in your garden with crop rotation in mind.
Matures in 55 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
Zinnia elegans. We grew a wide range of Zinnias in the summer field trials, but this one really stood out. Queeny Lime Orange Zinnias have branching stems that grow to about 90cm (36") tall. Atop each stem is a flower of immense beauty that starts out lime green, but as its petals unfold they turn to deep peach and then orange. This colour range looks wonderful in bouquets. As cut flowers they are long lasting and luxuriant, and in the garden they are abuzz with bumble bees. The plants respond well to cutting, with more flowers forming all the time. The bloom period is from mid-summer right into September.
The Queeny Series offers a step above the standards with their elegant colour combinations. Queeny Lime Red is a stunner with dark pink outer petals that become paler, transforming into a lime green ring around the pink center. Mostly double and semi-double blooms with a small percentage of singles, yielding multiple cuts throughout the season. Plants are 75-100cm (30-40”) tall.
The Queeny Series offers a step above the standards with their elegant colour combinations. Queeny Lime with Blotch has pale yellow to chartreuse petals with a pop of pink in the center. Mostly double and semi-double blooms with a small percentage of singles, yielding multiple cuts throughout the season. Plants are 75-100cm (30-40”) tall.
An All-American Selection! Cherry Belle Radish is a very popular and quick growing variety. Its round, bright red fruit resembles a cherry at 2 cm (3 /4") in size. While red on the outside, the inside has crisp, white, solid flesh. This cool weather crop even holds its mild flavor in the refrigerator.
Please Note: Seed tapes require consistent moisture to ensure best germination.
Days to Germination: 4 to 7 days
Days to Maturity: 20 to 25 days
Cherry Belle radish is a very popular, quick-growing variety. Its round, bright red fruit resembles a cherry at 2 cm (3 /4") in size. While red on the outside, the inside has crisp, white, solid flesh. This cool-weather crop even holds its mild flavor in the refrigerator.
Days to Germination: 4 to 7 days
Days to Maturity: 20 to 25 days
Best Container Size: 12"+
French Breakfast Radish is a true gourmet treat. The large, oblong radish has an attractive scarlet color and white tip. This cool weather crop is crisp and juicy with a mild sweet flavor you won't be able to resist.
Please Note: Seed tapes require consistent moisture to ensure best germination.
Days to Germination: 4 to 7 days
Days to Maturity: 20 to 25 days
Enjoy the diversity that carrots can bring to the garden. Plant Rainbow Blend carrot seeds to grow purple, white, red, and nice big orange carrots all in the same row. Get the most out of this collection by sowing as evenly as possible to reduce thinning and waste. Repeat sowings will provide a polychromatic carrot bounty from late spring to winter. Kids will love the variety of colours - and flavours.
Matures in 75-110 days. (Hybrid and open-pollinated seeds)
- Blend of 4 popular carrots
- Purple, white, red and orange
- Add some colour to your garden!
- Open-pollinated and hybrid seeds
- Matures in 75-110 days
Ramrod is a white bulbing Lisbon type scallion (or bunching onion) with stiff, erect leaves. Unlike Pacific 22, the bulb is small and forms late on this variety. Sow Ramrod scallion seeds successively through spring, summer and autumn. September-sown seedlings are very cold-hardy and overwinter well for early spring harvests. A high-performance, boldly flavoured scallion bred for English gardens, but perfect for the coast. Recommended by Alan Titchmarsh as a favourite scallion or "salad onion." To increase the blanched white lower portion, simply sow or transplant into a shallow trench and hill soil up around the stems as they grow.
Matures in 65 days, 150 days overwintered. (Open-pollinated seeds)
- Excellent flavour
- White bulbing
- High performance
- Favourite salad onion
- Matures in 65 days
Tagetes patula. Red Cherry is an ornate, bi-coloured marigold. The yellow centres of these long-blooming flowers are framed by red petals that feature yellow edging. The foliage on the plants are full and grow 25cm (10") tall. Perfect for patio containers, beds and borders. Marigolds are great companion plants and act as a deterant for some pests.
Red Iceberg lettuce forms a rosette of tasty, nutritious, and richly red outer leaves as it grows. Eventually a tightly-packed, pale green iceberg head forms at its centre, gilded with red markings on the outside. The interior is sweet and mild, with a very pleasant, crisp texture. The head holds well against the heat of summer with a delayed seed set. This was a standout in our seed trials and drew a lot of attention.
Matures in 50 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
Red Russian Kale Seeds grow leaves that are flat, toothed, grey-green leaves with purple stems and veins really brighten after frosts. Tender for salads and good for bunching, the red and purple hues turn a rich, dark green colour when cooked. It may be richer in vitamins and minerals than other greens and is very disease resistant. This old time heirloom kale eventually goes to seed, producing tall towers of yellow flowers followed by edible seed pods. Seed saving is easy with kale, but don't let the plant drop its seed in your garden, or there will be kale in your future for years to come.
Matures in 50 days. (Open pollinated seeds)
The ultimate in a red-skinned storage onion, this one stores nearly as well as Copra. Sow Redwing storage onion seeds early to accommodate for its long days to maturity. The large, globe shaped bulbs are hard bodied, and uniform at 7-10cm (3-4") across. They have unique, deep red, glossy skins, and strong tops.
At the end of summer, when the onions have formed nice bulbs, harvest them as needed. At full maturity, the tops of the onions will fall over, signalling the end of growth and the time to harvest. If no rain or frost in forecast, knock each onion over the rest of the way. This will break the roots’ contact with the soil and begin the drying process. Leave the onions like that for two or three days.
At the first sign of rain or frost, bring the whole onion plants indoors and lay them out in a dry area away from direct sunlight. Leave them to cure for two to four weeks until there is no more green showing in the stems, leaves, or necks. During this time, the papery skins covering each bulb will harden and contract. Use scissors to trim off the roots, and cut around 2cm (1″) up the stem for each bulb. Store them in a cool, dark place in mesh bags or trays with breathing holes. A well cured storage onion can retain its desirable flavour and aroma for as long as 12 months.
These seeds are coated with an inert, organically certified layer which helps to minimize clumping in storage and seed sowing machines. The coating is approved by organic certifiers in Canada, the US, EU, and Japan.
Matures in 110 days (Hybrid seeds)