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This delicious carrot shrugs aside heavy soil, and forms beautiful 15-20cm (6-8") long, fine-grained roots that are bright orange throughout and as coreless as the name suggests. Nantes Coreless carrot seeds develop cylindrical and sweet roots, with relatively small tops. They have excellent flavour, and are very tender. Sow these lovely carrots in raised beds or in deeply cultivated garden soil, and be sure to thin the seedlings to 4-10cm (1.5 - 4") apart in the row so that each has room to develop on its own. In the home garden, sow short rows of carrot seeds at two to three week intervals, and enjoy a much longer harvest window.
Matures in 75 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
- Super sweet flavour
- Small tops
- Good for heavier soils
- Open pollinated seeds
CERTIFIED ORGANIC! This is the extra early hybrid that organic guru Eliot Coleman raves about for cool season growing under cover in early spring and late fall/winter. Napoli carrots become incredibly sweet after frost as they literally convert starches into sugars as a kind of carrot anti-freeze. It is rated by many as one of the best tasting carrots available, and wonderful as baby roots. Plant Napoli Organic carrot seeds in August in a raised bed or beneath a cloche, and experience the full flavour of winter "candy carrots." Winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
These seeds are coated with an inert, organically certified layer which helps to minimize clumping in storage and seed sowing machines. The coating is approved by organic certifiers in Canada, the US, EU, and Japan.
Matures in 55 days. (Hybrid seeds)
- One of the best tasting carrots
- Incredibly sweet after frost
- Wonderful as baby roots
- Hybrid seeds
- Matures in 55 days
Dwarf Jewel is a mix of bushy, compact Nasturtiums. A bed of this garden jewel produces a stunning range of bright, semi double flowers held well above the foliage.
Growing Information: Safe for bees
Days to Germination: 7 to 21 days
Grows best in: Full Sun
Best Container Size: 12"+
Growing Height: 16"
C. pepo. These beautifully shaped, bright orange pumpkins have strong, dark green handles and make perfect Jack-O-Lanterns. Plant Neon pumpkin seeds for productive, semi-bush plants that take up less space in the garden or field, and produces higher yields per acre if grown commercially. The uniform fruits average 3kg (7-8 lbs). If grown in a cool summer, fruit may be faintly bi-coloured when immature. By harvest time they become the normal golden colour as shown. Pumpkins thrive in any region with hot summers.
Matures in 70 days. (Hybrid seeds)
- Bright orange with strong handles
- Fruits average 3kg (7-8 lbs)
- Makes perfect jack-o-lanterns
- Hybrid seeds
- Matures in 70 days from transplant
Imperator type. Versatility and long storage ability makes this variety a good choice for growers and homesteaders alike. Neptune carrot seeds produce large, handsome, medium-orange roots grow 20-25cm (8-10") long, with outstanding flavour and crisp, crunchy texture. The roots are very straight with a slight taper to a pointed tip. Tops are abundant for tying market bundles. Grow these carrots in deeply dug soil with fluffy texture - raised beds work really well. Apply carrot fertilizer or the All Purpose 4-4-4 organic fertilizer at planting time for the largest, most uniform roots.
Matures in 65 days. (Hybrid seeds)
- Great for storage
- 20-25cm (8-10") long
- Imperator type
- Matures in 65 days
Old Fashioned Flower Garden mix contains a blend of old-fashioned annual flower seed varieties. The flowers grow to various heights and bloom in a wide range of colors. This mix is provides a great old-fashioned appearance in the garden.
Packet illustration is a guide only to the contents.
Growing Information: Safe for bees & good for pollinators
Days to Germination: 7 to 14 days
Grows best in: Full Sun
CERTIFIED ORGANIC! Old German Organic tomato seeds produce huge fruit striped with red and gold colours reminiscent of a Caribbean sunset. This fruit is sweet and delicious Old German make great slicing tomatoes that will compliment any meal with a gorgeous splash of colour.
This variety originates from a Mennonite community in the Shennandoah Valley of Virginia circa the mid 1800's. The Mennonites take great pride in preserving their heritage, faith, and way of life. They are responsible for cultivating many excellent heirloom vegetable varieties. The seeds came into commercial production in 1985.
The hearty plants with potato leaves often grow to 2.4-3m (8-10') tall. Plants produce moderate yields of 900g (2 lb.) fragrant, decorative and nearly seedless tomatoes. Sturdy staking is required to support the large vines and heavy fruit. It's important to note this variety is not drought tolerant.
Indeterminate (vine)
Matures in 80 days (Open-pollinated seeds)
- Deliciously sweet and mild
- Red/gold colours of sunset
- Certified organic
- Open pollinated seeds
- Matures in 80 days
Olympia spinach seeds probably produce the best dark green plain leaf type for year round sowing and harvest. This fast growing spinach holds its leaves up off the ground and is an excellent choice for cooking and salads. Harvest promptly in mid-summer to preempt bolting. This variety was bred in the Pacific Northwest and is tolerant to downy mildew races 1, 2 and 3, 5, 8 and 9, 11, 12, and 14. Depend on Olympia for upright growth and attractive round leaves for spinach salad nearly any time of the year. Try this spinach in containers for baby leaf production in your patio garden.
Matures in 45 days. (Hybrid seeds)
Smooth skinned, highly productive, and very tasty. Olympian cucumber seeds produced fruits mid-season in our trials, and performed as well outdoors in raised beds as in containers in the greenhouse. Fruits grow slightly longer than Marketmore at 22cm (8"). Olympian is a gynoecious Marketmore hybrid with tolerance to Anthracnose, angular leaf spot, scab, powdery mildew, and downy mildew. Gynoecious plants produce mostly female flowers for increased productivity, so the cucumbers just keep coming and coming all summer long. Provide steady moisture and fertile soil and you may be overwhelmed by the quantity of delicious fruits.
Matures in 65 days. (Hybrid seeds)
- Smooth skinned, highly productive
- Performs outdoors or in the greenhouse
- 22cm (8") fruits
- Hybrid seeds
- Matures in 65 days
White Lisbon Bunching Onions are known for their zesty flavor. This silvery white variety is crisp, mild. It is fast growing and unaffected by long or short days. Enhance your salads and sandwiches, or enjoy plain.
Please Note: Seed tapes require consistent moisture to ensure best germination.
Days to Germination: 12 to 14 days
Days to Maturity: 60 to 110 days
Sweet is the key word in Orange You Sweet from the Hungarian Cheese series of peppers. These ones start out green and grassy but as the sugar content builds in the fruits they turn bright orange. Thick walled and succulent, but smaller than an apple, they're the right size to tuck in a lunchbox or just your pocket on the way out the door. Enjoy the appealing texture raw or chop them into a favourite pasta sauce. These are fast growing, vigorous plants that do well in containers or in the organic garden bed.
Matures in 65 days. (Hybrid seeds)
Thymus fragrantissimus. Grow this distinctly orange-scented thyme in hanging baskets or rock gardens and it will cascade over the edge. Its trailing nature makes it a prime candidate for ground cover, and established plants can even stand up to light foot traffic. It will grow between paving stones and over slopes and other hard-to-cover areas. And of course it is edible — its citrus overtones blend perfectly in savoury dishes. It reaches a maximum height of 25-30cm (10-12").
Oregon Giant snow pea seeds produce plants with unusually large, broad 13cm (5") long pods are thick and very sweet. They are most tender when peas begin to form but remain so up to the very largest sizes. Plants stay short at only 1.2m (4'). This variety is very resistant to pea enation virus and powdery mildew, which makes it a good candidate for late sowing and summer/fall harvest. Sow as late as July, and enjoy a second fall crop. Enation virus is a serious problem for peas in our region, so if you're planting peas after April first, choose enation-resistant varieties only. Winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Matures in 70 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
Flavourful pale centres are surrounded by thick green outer leaves on enormous upright plants. Parris Island Cos romaine lettuce seeds can be planted close together for a long harvest of little leaves for gourmet salads. Given space and time to grow to full size, Parris Island forms huge heads up to 30cm (12") tall, but even at this crazy size, the leaves are tender and succulent, with mild flavour. Dating back to 1952, this heirloom lettuce is named after the actual Parris Island off the coast of South Carolina. Parris Island Cos is tipburn and mosaic tolerant. Winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit.
Matures in 75 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
- Romaine
- Very nice texture
- Heirloom from 1952
- Pale centres on large, upright plants
- Flavourful