Neon Pumpkin

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Seed Pack



C. pepo. These beautifully shaped, bright orange pumpkins have strong, dark green handles and make perfect Jack-O-Lanterns. Plant Neon pumpkin seeds for productive, semi-bush plants that take up less space in the garden or field, and produces higher yields per acre if grown commercially. The uniform fruits average 3kg (7-8 lbs). If grown in a cool summer, fruit may be faintly bi-coloured when immature. By harvest time they become the normal golden colour as shown. Pumpkins thrive in any region with hot summers.

Matures in 70 days. (Hybrid seeds)

    • Bright orange with strong handles
    • Fruits average 3kg (7-8 lbs)
    • Makes perfect jack-o-lanterns
    • Hybrid seeds
    • Matures in 70 days from transplant
