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341 products
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Ipomoea tricolor. It is a great shame that so many gardeners confuse this tidy heirloom annual with the invasive bindweed, Convovulus arvensis. Both share the name Morning Glory, and both have trumpet shaped flowers, but the similarities end there. Heavenly Blue morning glory seeds produce short vines bearing copious, huge, intensely blue flowers that open each morning and then fade to pink before closing for good in the evening. Every day more flowers open from mid to late summer. It looks spectacular climbing along a fence or trellis, with really large flowers that can only be described as Heavenly Blue.
Note: This variety is not an invasive weed.
Lathyrus odoratus. Plant High Scent sweet pea seeds for incredibly luxurious floral fragrance. This variety has large, pure white flowers that blush at the edges. The vines are tall at 120cm (48"), and the stems are long, making them superb and elegant cut flowers. "High Scent" is no exaggeration - these are the sweet peas to grow for their intense perfume. Try them on a trellis or as a screen to break up garden spaces. It's easiest just to direct sow the seeds in early spring and erect a trellis or support once the seedlings are 15cm (6") tall. Keep the vines clear of spent flowers to prolong the bloom period.
- Fragrant
- Beautiful cut flowers
- Grows to 120cm (48") tall
- Long bloom time
Hilda Romano pole bean has flat pods, no strings, and great flavour. This bean is one of the first to produce in the summer and keeps going until frost if kept picked. It needs a strong support, but produces an incredible harvest. The pods grow to 23cm (9”) long and the plants are BCMV resistant.
This is a similar bean to Helda, bred in southern Europe, but Hilda produces a slightly longer bean that stays tender for longer as the pods mature.
Matures in 60 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
Ocimum tenuiflorum. Holy Basil Organic seeds are CERTIFIED ORGANIC!. Holy Basil (medicinal basil) is frequently called Tulsi because it is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine. In Thailand, it is called Kaphrao, and used as a culinary herb. Holy basil is easy to grow from seeds, and it thrives in the heat of summer. Try growing certified organic Holy Basil in containers or in your herb garden. Note that this is a different species from the regular basil varieties shown in this website. It is highly fragrant, but does not have the same flavour profile as Genovese basil.
The Hummingbird Garden Wildflower Mix features many different annual, perennial, and biennial flower varieties. The assortment is great for attracting hummingbirds to your garden. When the flowers are grown in close proximity this mix also provides a natural meadow look.
Packet illustration is a guide only to the contents.
Growing Information: Safe for bees & good for pollinators
Days to Germination: 7 to 14 days
Grows best in: Full Sun
Recommended rate of application: 115g per 1,000 square feet
Gorgeous jalapeno-shaped peppers mature from bright green to nearly jet black, and finally to intense scarlet red. The productive 60cm (24") tall plants are loaded with fruits of medium heat. Use these interchangeably with jalapeno peppers for a a dash of drama in dips and salsas. The flavour really brightens as they mature, and the colour stands out on market tables. Try Black Hungarian pepper seeds in patio containers but aim to keep the soil constantly moist during the growing season and allow for good air circulation around plants. Mildly spicy 1,000-2,5000 SHUs.
Matures in 70 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)
Papaver nudicaule. The Iceland Poppy is a hardy, but short-lived perennial, grown as a biennial in Coastal gardens. Either way, they self sow readily, so will last for years at a time. The large, cup shaped blooms have a texture like crepe paper and appear in a range of subdued pastel colours - apricot, gold, tangerine, and white. Sow Iceland Poppy seeds in early spring or late fall where they are to grow permanently. The flower stalks grow to around 30c (12") tall, and are among the longest-lasting poppies as cut flowers. They are highly attractive to honeybees and bumblebees, with seeds that are easy to collect and disperse. Unlike the California Poppy, this variety usually remains where it was planted. All parts of the plant are mildly toxic, but acrid enough that animals will not eat them.
- Perennial
- Delicate and bright
- Hardy, but short lived
- Deer resistant
- Papaver nudicaule
Alcea rosea. Sow Indian Spring hollyhocks seeds in full sun. This is a selection of our most popular Hollyhocks seeds, blended for planting en masse to create a beautiful cottage garden. Tall spires grow to 2m (6') or more, with single, double, and ruffled flowers that fill in empty garden spaces with blooms in rose, pink, white, chocolate, purple, and lavender. This blend looks sensational from late spring to frost. Hollyhocks are both tall and drought tolerant, so they are a nice choice for xeriscaping. Avoid overhead watering with hollyhocks in order to delay foliar diseases, including rust and powdery mildew. These are not uncommon problems for hollyhocks, but rarely make much impact.
CERTIFIED ORGANIC. Indigo Rose organic tomato seeds produce the most extraordinary, dark purple-skinned tomatoes currently available. The flavour of these tomatoes is clean and clear, reminiscent of plums, with a slightly acidic sweetness you'll only find in home-grown tomatoes. The so-called "saladette" style fruits average 50g (1.7 oz.).
Developed by Jim Myers at the Oregon State University using traditional plant breeding techniques, Indigo Rose Organic tomato seeds are the first improved tomato variety in the world that has the powerful antioxidant anthocyanin in the fruit. Indigo Rose organic tomatoes hang in clusters from vigorous sprawling vines with wild, curly leaves. Plants are hardy and have good disease resistance.
As the fruit matures the skin will become purple where exposed to light and the fruit tends to have a purple crown. This is caused by the antioxidant anthocyanin reacting to the sun. The fruits are ripe when they change from a shiny blue-purple to a dull purple-brown where they are exposed to the sun and green to red where there is no sun exposure. The fruit also softens when ripe.
Indeterminate (Vine)
Matures in 75 days (Open-pollinated seeds)
C. pepo. While they are edible and actually quite tasty, most growers choose Jack Be Little pumpkin seeds for the compact vines and tiny, undeniably cute miniature pumpkins that follow. Each flattened, deeply-ribbed fruit measures only 5cm (2") tall and about 13cm (5") across the top. If cured fully on the vine, the fruits will last as ornaments for as long as twelve months! Jack Be Little makes perfect little bright orange pumpkins for fall decorations, and each plant produces up to eight fruits. Be sure to keep one or two for dicing into fall soups or slicing thin for tempura.
Matures in 95 days (Open-pollinated seeds)
C. pepo. There's no question that Jack of All Trades pumpkin seeds are the top choice for farmers producing for the Halloween Jack-o-Lantern market. With only 95 days to maturity, it is the earliest maturing Halloween pumpkin, with as much as 95% grower pack-out rate. The pumpkins are notably uniform at 7-8kg (15-17 lbs) each, globe shaped, and 27cm (11") in diameter. This is the ideal size and shape for carving, but also taste great. Fruit exteriors have a light suture and the traditional golden red-orange color. Jack of All Trades will perform well for the home gardener, but you will not need more than one or two of these productive plants.
Matures in 95 days (Hybrid seeds)
C. pepo. When Jackpot zucchini starts producing, you'll think you hit the jackpot! Bushy plants have few spines, very high yield, and continuous production. Very similar to Ambassador in terms of its upright growth along one single stem, but even earlier to mature. Jackpot zucchini squash seeds fruits are cylindrical, and perfect to pick at 17cm (6") long, not long after the flowers are pollinated. Jackpot zucchini squash seeds make an excellent replacement for Ambassador zucchini seeds. Its upright growth makes Jackpot a good candidate for raised garden beds, or any place where space is limited.
Matures in 50 days. (Hybrid seeds)
- Very high yielding with few spines
- Perfect to pick at 1cm (6") long
- Continuous production
- Hybrid seeds
- Matures in 50 days
Ornamental and edible, Jade Knight has pretty dark green colour, deep ribbing, and a slightly flatted shape. Thick, high quality flesh is bright yellow with flavour similar to a kabocha squash. 3-4.5kg (7-10lb) fruit grow on full vines. Stacks nicely with Porcelain Princess and Mint Prince for colourful displays.
Matures in 90 days
Jalapeno M Pepper Seeds produce pungent, thick-walled and juicy dark green peppers that are 8cm (3") long and about 2cm (1") wide with a blunt end. Fruits set well on mid-sized plants 60-90cm (24-36") tall. If there are still green peppers on the plant at the end of the season, pull up the whole plant and hang in a dry spot for it to finish ripening to red. Use green peppers for fresh eating, pickling, and sauces, and dry the red ones. 2,000 - 5,000 SHU's. Jalapeno M works well in 3–5-gallon containers and is suitable for patio growing. Dried, smoked jalapenos are known as chipotle peppers.
Matures in 70 days. (Open-pollinated seeds)