Round Up



Round Up is designed as a domestic Non-Selective Herbicide to kill unwanted plant matter, specifically weeds and grasses.

709ml Ready-to-Use is best suited for small areas such as a garden or sidewalk where pesky weeds and grasses are edging closer to flower beds or poking through sidewalk cracks.

709ml Poison Ivy control is made specifically for poison ivy and other thick brush in wooded areas.

1 Litre Super Concentrate is perfect for large areas where weeds or unwanted grasses have taken over. When mixed at the correct ratio, 1 Litre is good for around 1000 square metres. Do not mix over the suggested ratio as it does not improve effectiveness.

In all cases Round Up is rain resistant in 2 hours and effects will be noticeable within 48 hours and will spread to the roots to fully kill within 3-4 weeks.

